When we meet anyone with a total joint replacement, we ask them how much Research they do in purchasing a car. After five minutes of details, we ask how much Research they did for their joint replacement. Usually, the answer is "none." Did you ask the doctor who the joint manufacturer was, or just to see it? No. In most cases, they simply did not know the questions to ask, or the processes & procedures involved. Can you imagine not doing any research to replace a major joint in your body? Many people have related that they thought there was only one joint manufacturer, and one basic model. Like anything in this world, the many joint manufacturers work hard to design the best prosthesis that differentiates them from their competition. Many patients still feel that whatever joint their doctor provides is the best. Doctors' preference for a joint manufacturer can vary. They range from their training, personal preference, best one for their patients, to local service by the manufacturer. With the many different joint manufacturers & options available today, it is up to the patient to Research which doctor and joint solution is best for them. Providing these resources & answers to patients & their teams is another reason that Our Joint Decisions was founded. |
Doctors, nurses & physical therapists all concur that a Positive Attitude is most important to a patient's success. It dictates a patient's will to recover quickly, follow-through on Rehabilitation & take pride in their achievements. |
No matter what your age, Research is a vital principle to your success in joint pain or surgery, as well as your life. As the picture of the couple at the top of this page shows, Research is fun, educational, and gives you the mental strength & confidence to know the right questions to make the best "Joint Decisions." |
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"Helping Those Seeking Help & Those Who Feel Helpless!"