Solution for Patient & Team


Use Our Joint Decisions' psychological & inspirational motivation, education & resources for hope & healing. Make best "Joint Decisions" with doctor, caregiver, family & friends. Follow-through on Rehabilitation to achieve Pain-Free Mobility & a Higher Quality of Life!

Patient's Challenge

Patient's Success is Patient's Responsibility!

CORE ROADS TO LIFE are principles for success

Joint pain effects everyone in patient's life

Replace Fear with knowledge, hope & positive attitude

Inconsistencies in orthopedic medical solutions

Support needed from caregivers, family & friends

Research & motivation insure best "Joint Decisions"

Rehabilitation is a necessity to successful recovery

Car Analogy

Throughout our new book, Our Joint Decisions: A Patient's Perspective to Successfully Manage Joint Pain, Surgeries & Replacements, the analogy of our automobile is used in comparison with our own body.

For example, if we have a flat tire, we do not keep driving our car becuase it will destroy the wheel and tire and take the wheels, tires, and care out of alignment. With our body, we expereince pain in our major joints, for example our knees, and continue to walk, run, and even palysports, many times not seeking a diagnosis from our doctor. Pain in our body is a signal there is a problem that needs to be fixed, just as our car does with tires, engine, and other working parts.

In everyday life, if we do procrastinate and damage our car, we know we can always replace it. We only have one body, and we need to do everything possible to keep it top shape, fully reparied, and fine tuned so it will serve us well throughout our life.

There are many other car anologies that we define in other parts of this website. Bottom line: don't take your body for granted; get it fixed and live with pain-free mobility for the Highest Quality of Life.

Patient's Summary


An open mind allows change to become reality

Making the best "Joint Decisions" requires an open mind

Obstacles become solutions through the power of our MIND OVER BODY

Positive Attitude is the cornerstone to success

Fulfillment is our mind nurturing our body through hope & healing

Our mind is the engine of inspiration for creativity & healing

Successful rehabilitation is driven by mental strength

It's exhilarating when our mind leads our body to hope & healing

Patients eventually seek support, motivation & direction

Caregivers, family & friends want to support patients

• Goal: Patients seeking pain-free mobility & a higher quality of life

Vehicle: Our Joint Decisions, Inc. NFP

Differentiator is psychological & inspirational motivation

Patient's Passion is fuel to reach patient's goals

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"Helping Those Seeking Help & Those Who Feel Helpless!"